Sunday, November 1, 2015

Like accelerating a freight train

So I figured I'd start out my 'pvp' thing in the shallow end, do some highsec wardecs. Trouble is, I can't find any damn targets. Figured I'd use corp finder, add some characters to my watch list, and just use locators. It hasn't really worked out -- the only corporation I've been able to find that had anybody online, they were all in lowsec. Figure I'll try a few more, then call that route an unmitigated failure. Anybody have a better idea?

In the meantime I've got an example run in progress for my capital guide. Since I'd like somebody to actually see that when I post it, I've re-submitted eve-fail to evebloggers. Unfortunately, it's not clear that that site is actually active. Guess we'll see.


  1. I'm a hard follower of your blog and started my capital building sometime from 2012 or 13 inspired by you so i'm most definately interested in knowing how you continued your capital building after the huge refine tune. Been pondering myself if i dare to venture into lowsec to put up posses for the compression but so far it's all on halt.. Please tell us your experiences :)

    1. It's not too difficult -- small tower and refining array, bring compressed ore in, refine, haul to station. It costs more to fuel a small tower than it does to buy a new one every few weeks, so you'll want to offline it when not in use. That means the array can be killed, so you'll want to haul that in. Maybe the tower as well, since people will occasionally shoot it. I leave mine because of the anchoring timer.

    2. How about your bpo research ow do you go to do that when there is no more safe leave in station option?

    3. Can you elaborate? I haven't heard anything about outposts being made destructible.

    4. Just wanted to say I started building caps about 2 years ago and found your guide so useful. Thanks a ton for making much easier to get started.

  2. What i understood you cant no longer start research jobs in your pos while having your blueprints safely in your corp hangar at the station. Which means you should be able to log in at least once every 24h to check for wardecs and such ?

    1. Oh, yeah. Plus, they made research cost a lot more.

      I'm researching them in player-owned outposts now. Some details here: . Let me know if you have any questions.

  3. As a trade contributor, I have a knowledge of starting small and going large later, with proper execution You can start researching small and medium sized ships very cheaply making 10mil+per slot per month in npc null sec (travel knowledge needed), and as your capital grows you can go larger eventually. Main hint is stop talking and start doing opens many doors. Math is small and medium bpo cost from 5 to 100 mil and can be sold between 70-300 mil
